TEVO Total Evolutions e.U.
TEVO Total Evolutions e.U.

TEVO Engineering e.U.

Eisenstraße 21, 8076 Vasoldsberg

FN: 420006g, Landesgericht Graz

UID: ATU68996349 

Registered in AUSTRIA



Contact us

Do you need more information about TEVO, or do you have any suggestions? Do not hesitate to contact us. Use  the number below for a call, or send us an email!

TEVO Total Evolutions Consultancy e.U. (legal entity) 

FN: 420006g, Landesgericht Graz (commercial registry number)

UID: ATU68996349 (VAT identification number)


Markus Ratzer, CEO

E-Mail: office@tevo-engineering.com

Phone:+43(0)699 81 97 74 22




Engineering Office:

Puchstraße 17

A-8020 Graz


Administrative Centre:

Eisenstraße 21

A-8076 Vasoldsberg



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© 2017 TEVO Engineering e.U.